Sulphur - The Forgotten Mineral?
Sulphur (in the form of MSM) is called the forgotten mineral by several prominent researchers, and Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. says that organic sulphur, or what we know as methylsulfonylmethane, (MSM) is the kind our bodies can use and absorb. He wrote the booklet “The MSM Miracle” in 1997 (I bought mine from Amazon) in which he states that the reason for writing it is to change its undervalued status by “turning the spotlight on sulphur.”
In the 1800’s Grandma’s “spring tonic” consisted of sulphur and molasses, our more mature readers will perhaps remember it, and younger ones can ask their older family members. It was highly valued to promote wellness and improve skin, hair and nails. MSM was not known then, but Sulphur was known as the “beauty mineral.”
MSM could be the modern version of this age old remedy!
MSM also works extremely well for animals.
Animals also suffer a lot of the same complaints we suffer from. Animals suffering from Arthritis, inflamed joints, back pain can all benefit from taking MSM. It’s also been found that horse studs using MSM on both the mare and the stallion get much better success rates when breeding. Success rates have risen dramatically. Race horses recover faster after heavy training or a race. It works on all animals that are mammals both large and small.
John Metcalf, DVM, a well-known equine practitioner, started his evaluation of MSM to treat a variety of illnesses in horses, including chronic muscle soreness, Epiphysis, Acute Laminitis, Pleuritis, recurring digestive tract disorder and Arthritis. He had good success where other, more traditional, treatments were not as effective.